Elliott Carter Studies Online, volume 4
The Amphion Foundation is pleased to announce the publication of volume 4 of Elliott Carter Studies Online. This issue features articles by Dan Guberman, Andrew Mead, and Mark Sallmen, and three previously unpublished interviews with Elliott Carter, from 1960, 1964, and 1996, conducted by Glenn Glasow, Mario Di Bonaventura, and Guy Capuzzo, respectively.
With this issue, we are pleased to welcome Guy Capuzzo, who joins John Link and Marguerite Boland on the editorial team. Capuzzo is currently Professor of Music Theory at University of North Carolina Greensboro and the author of Elliott Carter’s What Next?: Communication, Cooperation, and Separation. For more about Capuzzo and his work, visit his website here.
Elliott Carter Studies Online is an online journal devoted to the music, life, and times of the American composer Elliott Carter (1908-2012). Submissions are welcomed on a wide range of topics, and there are no restrictions on disciplinary perspective or format. The journal publishes history, theory, performance practice, personal essays, aesthetics, biography, criticism, analysis, and media. To learn more, visit studies.elliottcarter.org.