Elliott Carter: Double Concerto; Duo for Violin and PIano

Elliott Carter: Double Concerto; Duo for Violin and PIano
Track Listing
- [A] Double Concerto (1961)
Paul Jacobs, harpsichord | Gilbert Kalish, piano | The Contemporary Chamber Ensemble, Arthur Weisberg, conductor | Paul Dunkel, flute | Raymond DesRoches, percussion | Claire Heldrich, percussion | Allen Blustine, clarinet | Donald MacCourt, bassoon | Richard Fitz, percussion | Linda Quan, violin | Fred Sherry, cello | Douglas HIll, horn | Allan Dean, trumpet | John Swallow, trombone | Jacob Glick, viola | Jeffrey Levine, double bass | George Haas, oboe | Joseph Anderer, horn | Howard Van Hyning, percussion
*Reissued on - [B] Duo for Violin and Piano (1973)
Paul Zukofsky, violin | Gilbert Kalish, piano
Double Concerto (22:36): Recorded at Phonag Studios, Lindau/Zurich, in cooperation with Elite Recordings, Inc., New York. Recording directors: Helmuth Kolbe (Phonag Studios), Joanna Nickrenz (Elite Recordings, Inc.). Engineering: Helmuth Kolbe, Robert Lattmann (Phonag Studios)
Duo for Violin and Piano (17:24): Recorded at RCA recording studios, New York, under the supervision of the composer. Engineering: Paul Goodman. Recording director: Joanna Nickrenz (Elite Recordings, Inc.). Recorded with the assistance of the McKim Fund
Mastering: Robert C. Ludwig (Sterling Sound, Inc.)
A Dolby-system recording
Design, Art Direction: Paula Bisacca
Orchestra I (harpsichord): Paul Dunkel, flute/piccolo; Douglas Hill, horn; Allan Dean, trumpet; John Swallo, trombone; Raymond DesRoches, Claire Heldrich, percussion; Jacob Glick, viola; Jeffrey Levine, contrabass
Orchestra II (piano): George Haas, oboe; Allen Blustine, clarinet/piccolo clarinet; Donald MacCourt, bassoon; Joseph Anderer, horn; Howard Van Hyning, Richard Fitz, percussion; Linda Quan, violin; Fred Sherry, cello
Cover Illustration: Untitled by Richard Hennessy
Library of Congress Catalog Card No. 75-750600